The IMF pursues various facets of its mandate
in a number of ways. It promotes international
monetary cooperation through a permanent
institution which provides the machinery for
consultation and collaboration on international
monetary problems. This mandate gives the
IMF its unique character as an international
monetary institution, with broad oversight
responsibilities for the orderly functioning and
development of the international monetary
and fiancial system. The IMF grants loans
to countries that are experiencing economic
distress to prevent or mitigate fiancial crises.
The economic policy conditions attached to
such IMF loans have become an important
vehicle through which orthodox and marketoriented economic policies are carried out,
especially in developing countries. Over time,
the IMF has continued to be subjected to
a range of criticisms, generally focused on
the conditions of its loans and other fiancial
assistance. The IMF has also been criticised for
its lack of accountability and willingness to lend
to countries with bad economic management
and human rights records. The writer highlights
how IMF policies are affecting the development
of developing countries.
To ensure rapid economic development,
especially in the area of infrastructure, a
development bank is needed to bridge fiance
from end-savers to development projects. Such
bridging should be done by a development
bank at all levels. The writer argues that it
was time to promote a development bank in
Ghana. The recent fiancial crisis has opened
space for national policymakers to support
pro-development fiance initiatives, and a
momentum for the creation of a development
bank, which could tap into global savings.
Taking advantage of such opportunities is
fundamental to supporting future development
of the nation. A standard argument for why a
development bank should be promoted is that
such a bank can fil the gaps left by private
fiancial institutions, which are often geared
towards commercial activities. The main gap
is usually insuffiient fiance for economic
In business operating environment, the digital
arena forms a large proportion of the actors
in the environment in the 21st century terrain.
The digital arena or space is the technological
factors that inflence the business environment
when analyzing it from the external perspective.
Modern and highly sophisticated technologies
are being used in the banking and fiancial
sector, health sector, the manufacturing sector,
auditing and forensic analysis, service delivery
and more. There is a commercial sense in
obtaining and using digital technologies in
businesses. This calls for the accountant then
to be more knowledgeable about these digital
technologies and how these technologies
affects their duties.
The UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) and the
International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants
(IESBA) jointly released the publication, Ethical and
Auditing Implications Arising from GovernmentBacked COVID-19 Business Support Schemes.
This staff publication highlights ethical and auditing
implications arising from government-backed
business support programs which have been utilized
at unprecedented levels during the COVID-19
pandemic. The guidance sets out important ethical
considerations for professional accountants who are
called upon to assist their employing organizations
or clients in applying for and using COVID-19-
related funding or fiancial support. The document
includes guidance for those who prepare related
fiancial information and disclosures, as well as for
those who independently audit or provide assurance
services regarding such information.
The publication was developed by the Staff of UK
FRC under the auspices of a Working Group formed
by the IESBA and national ethics standard setters
(NSS) from Australia, Canada, China, South Africa,
the UK and the US. Chaired by Mr. Richard Fleck,
former IESBA Deputy Chair, the Working Group’s
mandate is to develop implementation support
resources to assist accountants effectively apply
the International Code of Ethics for Professional
Accountants (including International Independence
Standards) when facing circumstances created by
the COVID-19 pandemic. The publication benefied
from input from IESBA Staff.
This staff publication, jointly released by the Staff
of UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) and the
IESBA, highlights ethical and auditing implications
arising from government-backed business support
programs which have been utilized at unprecedented
levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The guidance sets out important ethical
considerations for professional accountants who are
called upon to assist their employing organizations
or clients in applying for and using COVID-19-
related funding or fiancial support. The document
includes guidance for those who prepare related
fiancial information and disclosures, as well as for
those who independently audit or provide assurance
services regarding such information.