This examination was based on a pre-seen scenario which described Savior Box Limited
(SBL), a pharmaceutical company. Started as a family business and has since grown into
a pharmaceutical empire. Market leader in its home base Ghana with expansion into West
African market with ambition to become a global organisation. SBL business model is
operating three divisions: manufacturing, retailing and distribution and export. Decision
making was rooted in its development history as a family business hence number of
challenges. As a result of the challenges, the management board decision to hire a
consulting firm Blessed Consulting and seconded a dedicated staff called Bismark with
relevant experience for four months to support with transformational change
management. The scenario was made available in advance of the exam. This is a very
interesting industry and students are expected to be familiar as part of preparation
toward the examination. The pre-seen was detailed and well-prepared candidates should
have been able to give good answers in the context of the pharmaceutical industry. The
unseen scenarios were interesting and presented some realistic questions on the industry.
The standard of the paper was extremely good, and the questions were clear with
preambles to assist candidates. The coverage was broad and in line with the syllabus the
paper was heavy on the strategic application. All the questions were based on the
recommended syllabus and study material of the Institute. The standard of the paper also
shows remarkable improvement over the previous three exams diets since the Institute
of Chartered Accountant (Ghana) introduced the Case Study in November 2019. Marks
allocation followed the weightings in the syllabus and was fairly distributed to each
Again, the trend of performance did not change much with few candidates marginally
performing well. Many appeared to be ill-prepared for this examination and did not
demonstrate the required level of technical knowledge and application of knowledge to
the case study. Overall, candidates performed well below average especially questions
number one and two. There were a number of concerns relating to student performance
in several other areas. This applies to most of the questions except question four
(Balanced Scorecard critical success factor (CSF)) application question. In many cases
candidates described wrong strategic models despite the fact that the questions required
specific models. Model application to the case study remains a challenge to candidates
resulting in losing valuable marks to achieve a pass. All answers must be applied to the
case study and should bring in aspects of the pre-seen information as well as the
information and appendices in the unseen additional information material. Answers
which are purely rote learning were quite common in some requirements and this
approach is awarded very low marks. There were also a number of candidates who gavePage 2 of 35
very theoretical answers and did not apply them to the case study. Many candidates’
answers lacked depth of development and therefore, although demonstrating a basic
understanding and application of knowledge, they failed to accumulate sufficient marks
due to not developing their answers sufficiently. Some answers were just short and