The performance of candidates in this diet is relatively better than the performance in
the previous diet. Candidates performed below average with a modal score of 19-36.
This is far below expectation but better compared to the last sitting. Once again, the
performance of most candidates indicated a lack of solid foundation and skills needed
for the paper. Meanwhile, the questions fall within the approved syllabus of the
Institute, and the marks distribution was fair and in line with the syllabus grid.
The standard of questions was appropriate for the level being assessed. The
requirements of the questions were generally clear. Evaluation of the examination
questions indicated that the syllabus coverage was good and provided candidates
with enough flexibility to appropriately respond to current financial reporting issues.
The difficulty level of the paper is standard and within expectation. Questions were
evenly weighted; the paper followed the pattern of the previous sittings and is
generally consistent in standard with the last sitting's paper. The mark allocations
generally followed the weightings in the syllabus grid and commensurated with the
amount of time and effort required to answer the questions.
The type, relevance and quality of the questions provided in the examination were
well-balanced and clearer when compared with the question of the previous diet.