The quality and standard of the paper was generally good and covered both
quantitative and theory or essay related questions to test candidates’ knowledge in
both areas.
The distribution of the questions was in line with the syllabus in terms of coverage but
shifted more towards quantitative related questions. The quantitative aspect covered
78% whilst the theory or essay aspect covered only 22%. This was a shift from the
last two sittings where it was quantitative (64%) and theory (36%) for November 2019
and quantitative (57%) and theory (43%) for May 2019 paper. The trend will have to
be relooked at in subsequent papers where at least the essay or theory should cover
not less than 30%.
The questions were generally clear and easy to understand and apply by candidates
who prepared well and had knowledge of the subject but posed difficulties to ill
prepared candidates. No sub-standard questions were noted in the paper except over
concentrated question in one area of the syllabus and the quality of questions were
considered appropriate for this level.
Marks allocations were also considered good with exception of low number of theory
questions and marks.
In terms of marking scheme, it was reviewed and aligned to the question paper.
Alternative solutions were also provided where necessary to accommodate various
approaches to answering the questions.
Looking at level of difficulty of the questions candidates were expected to have
performed very poor but that was not the case. It appeared some candidates did take
their time to understand the requirements of the questions. Questions were practically
oriented which is excellent. This time candidates did not stray with the columns
reserved for examiners and moderators in the answer booklets. However some
candidates continue to put page numbers in the space for question numbers which
confused examiners.
The practical nature of the questions resulted in higher performance by candidates.
Performance this session was better than the performance in the previous sessions.
This is evident from the percentage passes achieved in the three sessions – November
2018 pass rate was 37%, May 2019 pass rate was 42%, whilst the current pass rate for
November 2019 was 67%.
It was evident that many candidates have the knowledge but lack the ability or skill
to apply the knowledge to solve problems.