The general performance of most of the candidates was below average. It showed that
they were not prepared and ready for the examination. They showed lack of
understanding of the Accounting Standards and especially the double entry principles.
Candidates with high understanding of the Accounting Standards scored high marks
especially in questions two and five. The orderly and logical presentation of answers
continued to be a challenge to most candidates.
The standard of the questions was generally good and could be compared to those of the
earlier years administered in terms of volume of adjustments required. The questions
covered all the relevant sections of the syllabus. All the questions reflected the weighting
of the topics in the syllabus, and the mark allocations followed a similar pattern in the
previous exams. There were no ambiguities or typing errors noted in the paper.
Questions one, three and four were without much complications. Questions 2 and 5 (b)
and (c) were on the Accounting Standards and the volumes of work required were
commensurate with the allotted time and marks. The questions were not too loaded
except question five. For instance, in question 5, the number of entries to be passed in
respect of the partnership question for a 15 mark question was on the high side.