Whereas some candidates took their time to prepare adequately for the examination and
covered all parts of the syllabus, quite a number of them seemed to have been ill-prepared
and neglected some aspects of the syllabus hence they performed badly
The overall performance of candidates was very good, although there was a slight dip in
the performance compared to the April 2022 examinations. One hundred and thirty-one
(131) candidates wrote the Paper, out of which ninety-four (94) passed, translating to a
seventy-two percent (72%) pass rate. This shows a three per cent (3%) decrease compared
with the performance recorded in the April 2022 examinations which recorded seventyfive per cent (75%) pass rate.
Candidates who sat for the paper performed well because most of them spent precious
time to prepare well for the examinations and also did well to study all parts of the
syllabus instead of doing selective reading as has been happening in previous years.
Candidates whose performance fell below were either not well prepared or did not
concern themselves with some aspects of the syllabus and so could not attempt questions
there at all, thus scoring zero on those questions.
It was also observed that some candidates still found it extremely difficult to differentiate
between the levels of strategy and the three broad generic strategies. This was
widespread and the Institute may liaise with the Private Tuition Providers to work on
this issue.
High and low performers were spread across all centres and not concentrated at any
given centre or centres. Some candidates spent too much time writing introductions
which were not required of them and for which no marks were allocated or spent much
time on portions that would earn them fewer marks and therefore could not adequately
answer the questions with higher marks, thus performing badly.