The standard of the question paper administered was very good. The questions were
clear, practical, unambiguous with almost a 100% syllabus coverage. There has been
a significant improvement in the quality of responses offered by candidates. The
presentation skills of candidates have improved drastically, perhaps as a result of the
interventions and outreach programmes of the Institute. Consequently, the
performance of the Candidates has witnessed tremendous improvements over the
past sittings. In all, 50% of Candidates who wrote the examination passed as against
18% and 34% pass rates in April 2022 and November 2021 examinations respectively.
This may serve as an inspiration to prospective Candidates knowing that when the
right things are done in the exams, they will surely pass.
In line with the approved examination structure in the syllabus, the paper consists of
five questions of which the Candidates were required to attempt all questions. The
questions were equally weighted. In order to have a wider coverage of the syllabus,
each major question was structured into sub-questions and sub-sub questions. In all,
the paper has five (5) major question, nine (9) sub-questions and twelve (12) sub-subquestions, providing near 100% syllabus coverage.
In my estimation using Bloom’s Taxonomy (Armstrong, 2016), the test items ranked
as follows: understanding (15%), application (70%), analysis (15%) and evaluation
(5%). This is consistent with the learning outcomes set out in the syllabus. The
standard of the paper was very good and comparable to the previous years.
Nevertheless, exam setters are encouraged to explore innovations in making the
questions clearer, practical, i