Revenue enhancement as a catalyst to development is
the surest way of achieving the “Ghana Beyond Aid”,
that government envisages. Aid in any form does not
serve any sovereign nation well as it exposes such a
country to covert opprobrium and viewed with some
negativity. Going round with a cup in hand asking for aid
cannot be a blessing. Given that there is donor fatigue
everywhere, little or in some cases nothing is gotten
from such enterprises.
Professional accountants play major positive roles in
tackling corruption, along with other key actors in the
global economy. Professional ethics, education, and
oversight at the core of the global accountancy
profession are key indicators for the positive role played
in tackling corruption. The proportion of professional
accountants in the economy to those who have
subscribed to robust ethical, educational, and oversight
requirements is three times more strongly linked with
more favourable scores on international measures of
corruption, than for individuals identifying as
accountants but who may not have professional