The way success is defined shapes
our working lives. Success affects
how organisations perform, who
progresses within them and
how power is exercised. It is a
brutal fact that fewer people are
recognized as successful based
on current standards and value
judgements. Our wider ambition
is to stimulate a rethink about
who and what we value, why and
how. This will enable us to imagine
and then create more inclusive
workplaces, which can in turn
influence progress towards a fairer
society. The writer emphasizes
that the frustration he finds in
most workplaces is that success is
often based on the sheer quantity
of work performed. It is often the
person who puts in huge hours
with appreciable performance
that makes him climb to the top
early. The article further dwells on
evaluation and measurement of
success in organisations
a Proposed Revisions to the Fee-Related Provisions of The Code
The IESBA has issued two exposure drafts for public comment. The
IESBA believes a single set of high-quality ethics standards enhances
the quality and consistency of services provided by professional
accountants, thus contributing to public trust and confidence in the
accountancy profession. In its Strategy and Work Plan 2014-2018, the
IESBA committed to undertaking work to further understand a number
of fee-related matters raised by the regulatory community. In addition,
the IESBA committed to responding to the Public Interest Oversight
Board (PIOB) who, in approving the IESBA’s April 2015 pronouncement,
Changes to the Code Addressing Certain Non-Assurance Services
Provisions for Audit and Assurance Clients, had asked the IESBA to
revisit issues on auditor independence and “non-audit services” more
broadly, including fee-related matters.