Climate change is an area of increasing
concern and priority for investors and affects
how investors perceive climate-related risks
in the entity’s financial statements. Climate
change is a topic which is increasingly in front
of mind for investors and other stakeholders as
the effects of climate change are increasingly
visible because climate change has the
potential to impact an increasing number of
entities of all nature and sizes. Today climate
change affects businesses in various industries
as global and local policy actions around
climate change continue to evolve and given
the growing demand by investors for climaterelated information for their economic decision
making. The writer highlights areas of focus
related to the consideration of climate-related
risks when conducting an audit of financial
statements in accordance with the International
Standards on Auditing (ISA).
The International Auditing and Assurance
Standards Board (IAASB) approved three
quality management standards in September
2020, subject to the final approval of the Public
Interest Oversight Board. The standards raise
the bar for firms by incorporating a proactive
and risk-based approach to how firms
enable the consistent performance of quality
engagements through their systems of quality
management. The standards also deepen the
engagement partner’s responsibility for audit
quality at the engagement level, and include
improvements related to engagement quality