Corruption has been a bane on the development of
most countries particularly the sub-Saharan region.
Recognizing the harmful effect of corruption, in
2012 the country developed a National AntiCorruption Action Program (NACAP) to help
minimize the harmful effect of corruption. The
NACAP enables collective action and sustained coordination of efforts, as well as the judicious
application of resources of stakeholders to combat
corruption, to assess the performance of
stakeholders, especially government, in the fight
against corruption, and mobilize national efforts to
ensure the effective control of corruption through
prevention, education, and investigation and
enforcement. The writer mentions the need for
professionals in the country to collaborate to win the
fight against corruption and eradicate or minimize
the effects of corruption on the developmental effort
of the nation
Global Ethics Board Resets Expectations of
Professional Accountants Regarding
The International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants (IESBA) today released new
enhancements to its global ethics code which
address more fully the responsibilities of
professional accountants around the offering
and accepting of inducements. The revised
standard sets out a comprehensive framework
that more clearly delineates the boundaries of
acceptable inducements, and guides the
behavior and actions of professional
accountants in business and in public practice
in situations involving inducements.
“Incentives motivate behavior, and some
inducements can be a powerful incentive to
unethical behavior,” said IESBA Chairman Dr.
Stavros Thomadakis. “This revised standard
complements our standard on NOCLAR to
offer a full system of ethical defenses that relate
both to malfeasance committed by others and to
accountants’ own involvement in potentially
unethical behaviours.” Central to this
framework is a new intent test that prohibits the
offering or accepting of inducements where
there is actual or perceived intent to improperly
influence the behavior of the recipient or of
another individual. The framework also: